Be Bear Aware

Living with bears is a part of living in Revelstoke, especially in the spring and fall. Everyone can do their part to limit bear/human interactions, including but not limited to, keeping garbage inside until garbage day and gleaning their fruit trees. By doing so, less bears become habituated to people or their leftovers, which in turn results in fewer bears being euthanized.

Sometimes though, walking home on a dark evening, encounters happen. Earlier this autumn, Krista Stovel had a chance encounter.

“So….I bumped into a bear a few nights ago. I was walking in the dark down Vernon Ave, and I heard what I thought was a large dog running towards me. I looked around and it was a big black bear racing towards me. By the time I realized what was happening the bear raced right past me down the alley. I then, despite knowing fully well you don’t run, ran all the way to my friend’s house a few blocks away.”

Krista’s sister Laura Stovel drew the following cartoon.

“And of course she drew my trademark fishnets and not very sensible shoes to wear in bear country – in hindsight.”

Krista and the bear race

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