Celebrate Family Literacy Day at the Revelstokes Library with a Family Portrait

Staff at the Regional Okanagan Revelstoke Library will be ready to take pictures on Saturday, January 26th from 10:30 am – 4:30 pm.

“This is a drop in, free event, and everyone – including pets and framilies ( friend families) is welcome,” says Librarian Lucie Bergeron. Families of all kinds are welcome to come in with their favorite book (or they could choose one once they get here) and the staff at the library will do the photography. We will then send the digital files to families. With permission, we will be using images on bookmarks and social media and hopefully in a project to improve our children’s area.”

The children’s area houses a display that is changed seasonally. “We would like to create something more permanent display that reflects our commitment to children’s and family literacy,” she says.

Bergeron is looking into grants to allow her to print images from the family photo shoot onto bookmarks, in addition to being part of the display.

It is the first time the Revelstoke Library has run the event, and they are hoping for a decent turn out. Participants will be entered into a book draw. So head on out and support the local library, and get a sweet picture in process.


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