Pontoon Boat at Williamson Lake Worries Beachgoers

Locals and campers alike were left stunned at the site of a motorized pontoon boat making its way around Williamson Lake earlier this week. Some locals noted they had never, in their lives, seen a motorized boat on the lake, several worried about the risk to both swimmers and wildlife, and many more worried it sets a precedent to have motorized boats on the lake.

“The use of the pontoon boat was authorized by the City on a one time basis,” Laurie Donato, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture explains. “Motorized boats will continue to remain prohibited on Williamson Lake.”

The boat was likely doing research for an ongoing lawsuit against both the City of Revelstoke and Revelstoke Mountain Resprt (RMR). In 2015, Aaron Gelowitz swam across the lake, climbed to shore and dove head first off the rocks. Gelowitz was seriously injured, and his FaceBook profile shows that, since the incident, he has been confined to a wheelchair.

In April of 2016, the Revelstoke Review reported that Gelowitz was suing both the City of Revelstoke and RMR. RMR owns the land across from the campground and beach, where Gelowitz dove from. His lawsuit is based on the lack of signage warning swimmers about potential hazards.

In the lawsuit, Gerowitz is suing for lost wages, medical expenses, and general damages.

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