Revelstoke Nordic Club hosts Regional Fall Dryland Camp with Swedish Professor of Sport Science

Revelstoke, BC – Last weekend, the Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club hosted 64 athletes, 13 coaches and one special Swedish guest for the Teck Regional Dryland Camp #2 at Blanket Creek Provincial Park, 25km south of Revelstoke. The two adjacent 50 person group sites allowed for everyone to stay in a central location and event tents provided kitchen
facilities, a mess hall and presentation space.

On Friday evening, campers immersed themselves in a series of inventive icebreaker activities with laughter
carrying on well into darkness.

Saturday morning saw the youngest skiers test their roller ski skills on an obstacle course throughout the several kilometres of quiet, freshly paved road at Blanket Creek. Older skiers travelled a short distance to the rolling terrain along Mt. Begbie Road, where they focused on technique development and speed work under the watchful eye of Professor Hans- Christer Holmberg. After the BBQ lunch, coaches sat down with Hans- Christer for a discussion ranging from technique analysis and physiological adaptations to athlete development and cultural considerations for cross- country skiing. Later that afternoon, skiers took part in a strength and orienteering course throughout the campground. As a “cool down” activity, skiers tested their accuracy and patience on the purpose-built, “Regional Camp Edition: 28 Hole Disc Golf Course”.

Saturday’s dinner was pasta with homemade sauce and farm fresh salad. After dinner, Hans-Christer engaged and inspired the athletes with his presentation, “XC skiing – fast, faster, and even faster”.

On Sunday morning, skiers travelled to Mt. Macpherson for a ski striding technique session, including a Holmberg led, max distance bounding challenge. Following an easy distance run touring the ski and bike trails, athletes returned to Blanket Creek to eat lunch and pack for home.

A big thank you to the many Revelstoke parents who helped with camp setup and takedown, ensured there were ample baked goods, sourced food and prepared superb meals. Thanks to Hans-Christer Holmberg for his time spent providing an enriching Nordic education. Furthermore, thanks to Jake Weaver and CCBC for their roles in facilitating Professor Holmberg’s visit. Finally, thanks to Teck Resources Limited for supporting all our regional camps.

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