Revelstoke Nordic Hosts Fun Race ‘Team Scream’

The youth of the Revelstoke Nordic Club were out in full force this morning to take part in the annual Team Scream, a fun dress up race. The theme – Time Travel – was open to interpretation. Truly though, as long as you were dressed up, it was all good.

The Revelstoke Current was only able to cover the youngest competitors, who all skied classic style around Titan Loop, be sure to scroll  down for images. Liam Harp from the Revelstoke Review was onsite to cover the older racers.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event happen.

The TARDIS and a time traveller.

Dr. Who with some kidlets in tow.

Marty McFly and Doc Brown

Calvin was around somewhere.

The youngest nordic skiers at the start line.

How did this ever go out of style….

A volunteer keeping the show running smoothly.

Even superheroes need a ride sometimes.

Another lovely volunteer in her time travel apparel.

Pre race

The youngest racers were won sugar cookie medals (they were very popular)

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