Revelstoke RCMP Issue 59 Tickets in Winter Driving Enforcement Campaign

On Thursday January 16th to Sunday January 19th 2020, the Revelstoke RCMP Detachment: consisting of Revelstoke General Duty, Integrated Road Safety Unit and the Trans Canada East Traffic Services, conducted an enforcement and education campaign for the driving public.

As a result of the campaign, the police issued Violation Tickets under the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act for the following: (includes both passenger and commercial vehicles)

·        21 violation tickets for Speed Relative to Conditions
·        7 violations for Drive While View Obstructed
·        10 violation tickets issued for Obstructed Lamps
·        10 tickets for Insecure Load (excessive snow on roof that can obstruct others or cascade over windshield obstructing vision)
·        3 Seatbelt infractions
·        2 Inadequate Winter Tires
·        1 Fail to Yield to Vehicle
·        5 Impaired Driving Investigations (Immediate Roadside Prohibitions)

Several verbal warnings as well as Notice and Orders (written warnings) were provided as part of the education component of the campaign.

Driving to road conditions means travelling at a rate which ensures the ability to safely maintain your lane, stop when necessary and stay on the road. All drivers are encouraged to slow down, drive the speed limit including the  variable speed limit, and do their part to ensure that everyone safely gets to their destination.

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