Revelstoke Community Connections Food Bank is rocking a new ride. A brand new, refrigerated transit van.
“It’s really exciting,” says Patti Larson, the Coordinator for Community Connections Outreach and Development team.
“Two years ago, Food Banks BC successfully lobbied the provincial government for a ten million dollar grant,” explains Larson. “We applied in year one and received funding that allowed us to purchase equipment. In year two, there was still grant money available, so we applied again and were able to purchase the van, which is hugely expensive and normally out of reach to buy.”
Prior to the van’s purchase, Larson, staff and volunteers would use their personal vehicles to move food.
“Now we can run around town without relying on personal vehicles, pick up produce and keep it safe at the correct temperatures,” says Larson. “It will add hugely to the Food Recovery Program as the van can be utilized seven days a week.”
Jenna Fraser runs the Food Recovery Program, which runs alongside the food bank and falls under the community outreach and development stream for which Larson is responsible for. With the new van, the program can pick up food from many of the agencies that donate such as Save On More, Southside, Tim Hortons and Starbucks.
You can drop off your food items at the van tonight while you enjoy the sights and sounds at the Holiday Train.
The New Ride for Community Connections Food Bank and Food Recovery Program.
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