(Columbia Basin) – Twenty-eight buildings in 19 communities are undertaking projects to generate energy, increase energy efficiency and sustainability, and reduce energy costs. The projects are being supported by …
It isn’t just the Grizzlies whose play off season is on hold for the foreseeable future. In accordance with the Government of Canada recommendation to minimize large social gatherings, …
KIJHL Media Earlier Thursday, the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) announced that its 2019/20 playoffs would be suspended indefinitely due to ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, more commonly known …
A change in insurance coverage has hit thrift stores across the province, and the Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store is no exception. It stems from policy changes in the …
Revelstoke – Due to the sheer volume of impaired driving incidents in Revelstoke over the past two months, the Revelstoke RCMP are sharing the following information with the community. …
Have the winter doldrums slowed down your desire to eat well and stay physically and mentally active? With spring comes Brain Awareness Week (March 16 – 22), the perfect …
Joseph Doyle Burke (Joe) October 14, 1946 – February 26, 2020 Joe died peacefully at home in Revelstoke BC on February 26, 2020 aged 73 years. Joe was born …
Communities throughout B.C. are increasing their efforts to address the overdose crisis with more than $900,000 in grants awarded to municipalities for local community wellness, safety and harm-reduction projects. …
After the Revelstoke Grizzlies dominated Round One of the KIJHL playoffs, fans are more than ready for Round Two, the first game of which is tonight in Revelstoke. The …
Contributed The Hudson Train Model took one year and hundreds of hours of work for Lower Mainland resident John Maier to complete the 1/20 scale model of the forty-five …